
What am I watching? ESTATE OF PANIC!!

Estate of Panic! A throwback to when Sci-Fi channel hadn’t decided to get all edgy as SyFy. It’s like Fear Factor meets all those fun kids gameshows from the 80s and 90s like Finders Keepers, Double Dare, GUTS, and Fun House. It’s not anything you need to watch, but it’s fun to watch. I also for some reason snagged the six eps made off of iTunes when they were on sale at some point.

That’s about it. There’s 6 people at the start of the episode, tasked with entering environments and hunting for cash as the environments get more and more hostile. They can all spend as long as they like in there but the last person doesn’t get let out of the environment and the person that makes it out with the least cash is eliminated. Fun way to spend 42 minutes watching people deal with hydrophobia, arachnophobia, snakeophobia, electrocution, and rooms slowly closing in on them.

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