
What am I watching? Drop Dead Fred

Oh, Netflix streaming.. You've taken the place of all the late night or off hour movie filler that tv used supply in spades.

Trying to watch through Drop Dead Fred partially because Phoebe Cates was really really cute and partially because the movie is bizarre(I've only seen her in Gremlins 1,2 previously).  Sadly, it's also freaking annoying.  At least the first half.  That's about where I had to turn it off the first time through.  It's just too screwball comedy except that everything can't just be cleared up with a simple explanation between the parties involved.  Phoebe's character actually *tries* to explain what is happening, it's just ridiculous.  Ah, well.  I can make it through.  I can be strong.  It's not as bad as Armageddon.

Weird part of the movie?  The younger version of the main character is a spitting image for my wife at the same age.

Random factoid when reading back on Phoebe Cates - she married Kevin Kline when she was 26 and he was 40.  Good god!  What an age difference!  No slight on either of them, I just can't imagine being married to what would, with the same relative age for me, be a 15 year old.

Yadda yadda.  The beat goes on.  And so it goes.

Still debating what I'm going to rate this movie.

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