
Future updates

Reviewing iPhone apps.

Movie reviews.

Economic news, interpretation.

Financial planning topics.

Indy top to bottom.

Touring classic comics from a 21st century perspective.

The AFI top 100 lists - comprehensive rundown.

-- Post From My iPhone

Nonsense on sports

Nothing very profound, but damn do sports exlode in november. As far as I'm really concerned, baseball is the only realistic option from April through October. Right at the end of October we suddenly explode into football, hockey, and basketball. Damn. That's a lot of crap to follow.

-- Post From My iPhone


Waiting for my damn MacBook!

It was coming all the way from Shanghai, got to Chicago, but then had to bounce to Memphis for Fed Ex routing. The longer it takes, the better I feel considering I won't even be back in town for another few days.

Excited and thinking about seeing how long I can go before installing a game!

Am I really a writer? We will find out. Oh yes, we will.

-- Post From My iPhone