
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

(keep in mind that this post has been exaggerated for literary purposes and I just had way too much caffeine and sugar)

I seriously need to throw away all this Christmas candy now.

My first thoughts are that I could go to the Junior High next door and hand it out. On further thought, though, I may have troubles if a restraining order forces me to stay on one half of my apartment to maintain the appropriate distance.

I was forced to deal with the horrors of the girl scouts coming around work on Friday. I seriously hate them. Their fathers all work in the office and they all have specific territories marked out in relation to their offices. So you're kinda marked as to who you're supposed to buy cookies from. They come around and there's NO polite way to say GET YOUR GODDAMNED COOKIES AWAY FROM ME. I mean, how do you say "sorry, get out of my face" and be able to work with their parents again? Not that I hate the cookies, it's that I have NO SELF CONTROL. It's a very simple algebra. If I HAVE a box of cookies, I EAT a box of cookies. And these little monsters have no alternatives that will help them get their cookie selling patches. I can't have them just send the cookies to Africa or just throw them away for me. If I pay them the money, they are required to give me the cookies.

After trying to negotiate the equivalent of Carbon Credits for cookies, I ended up just talking to this scout's mom and handing her a direct donation. They were sad that I couldn't help her towards being the top cookie seller, but apparently the girl scouts get less than a dollar per box sold. If only they had more people like me, they'd have a lot more money. They should have a new badge with my face on it for the scouts that are nutritionally conscious enough to just raise cash instead of this cookie shill campaign. It could change the world. Unfortunately, it would probably crash the cookie economy.

Now I just need to find a way to really send a message to my bosses that they're not doing us any favors by buying a dozen boxes and just leaving them out for us. I'm seriously going to start taking the boxes they put out and just throwing them in the garbage. If they want to leave cookies out they can do it in their own damn offices.

If I can make it through this season without finding myself coming to in a pile of cookie boxes, face covered in peanut butter and thin mint, I will consider myself blessed and lucky.

She's got ants in her pants and she's gonna dance.

An examination of an insanely huge ant structure. If nothing else, watch the second half of this video to see the excavated ant metropolis structure exposed.

What better way to commemorate MLK?

Than to buy socks online.

I'm not even into socks, but these guys make me wish I were.


They happen to make robot socks for Diesel Sweeties, too(no shipping costs!).


I have civic pride.

Yes, I like owning a Civic. I even moreso like the idea of paying it off in a year.

But I also have civic pride and plan to exhibit it by wearing this when November rolls around.

Still Alive as sequenced on an 8080 - dual screen!

Opera, Comics, Intravenous movies.

I seriously had planned to be posting more with my extra time before work, but apparently my burst of 3 posts way back when triggered a block of the site. Also, I haven't quite figured out how to best post from my phone. Hmm..

This weekend is a chock full one. Nominally I'm studying for my Series 66 - which will technically qualify me to be a full Financial Advisor, but that's not quite the plan where I'm working. I just need it, ok!?

Upside that helps - Lauren is down in Chambana for the weekend.

Distractions? MULTITUDES.

I just received a load of Ultimate trade paperbacks in the mail, which make for excellent diversionary tactics. I'm considering ditching the whole Marvel Universe 616 and sticking to Ultimate storylines only. Seriously, this whole Spider-Man retcon in the main title is bullshit. Also, I don't know what the hell is going on with the X-titles - they're cancelling half of them, making the main X-Men title a retro only title, and.. hu? I just want my X-Factor back with Madrox and Layla and their own brand of Noir..

Other distraction - Just signed up for Netflix after they began offering unlimited streaming video, even on the $9/mo plan. *Excellent*. We repurposed Lauren's computer, hooked it up to the HD, and we have all the old movies we can eat. I don't care if it's all old movies, I think I'm in heaven. Blockbuster? CANCELLED. That's what you get for jacking up my costs, jerks.

Major distraction? Went to see Doctor Atomic last night at the Lyric Opera House with tickets my boss hooked me up with. (Wikipedia) I don't know if I'm quite disposed towards opera. It kind of hurts my ear when I'm used to hearing.. Musical singing? Opera seems to be loud, prolonged, and overly dramatic. I'm so used to the Music Man, Oklahoma, West Side Story, Willy Wonka.. I kept trying to find some kind of melody in the singing and it was giving me a headache. I'm thinking I just need a little more experience with opera before being able to appreciate it.