
on lunch

I'm convinced that these salads I get for lunch from the place in the basement are horrible for me. There's just too much dressing involved.. At least I'm getting the veggies?

Need to figure out some kind of lunch plan that involves bringing food from home. Right now if I get food downstairs every day it runs $33 a week($1,700 a year!). It's more if I go out and use gas to get food, etc. A salad at Panera runs me $7+ now - same for a sandwich at Arby's. A gas station sandwich runs about $5, but I still need to get there and I probably buy a soda instead of getting water or use the bulk soda brought from home. Driving to any of those places probably involves me driving 3 or 4 miles. With my average mileage at 30 mpg we're looking at an extra 50 cents or so in gas. Also, I don't get nearly so much reading time..


Time to officially reinstate the group lunch makings we did a few years ago. I bet we can cut costs to half for lunch.

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