
The magic of Wrigley.

The Friendly Confines of Wrigley Field are wonderful.

New Comiskey/U.S. Cellular Field is pretty good.

Miller Park is definitely better than U.S. Cellular.

But the way that the latter two are completely owned by Wrigley is in something so simple as the bathrooms. If you go to the Cell or Miller and you're sampling their profit beverages, you will be required to hit the washrooms. You get to the facilities in either of those parks and you're stuck in line for a urinal. Stuck in line like a common woman! Lines should not exist in men's rooms! Blasphemy! Also, this line jockeying foments great conflict between the fans of the home and the visiting teams. I've seen multiple fights breaking out like grade school as dickery of many kinds surface.

The one true urinating experience is the one you can only get at Wrigley - the trough. The trough is the urinal equivalent of a bag of holding - it holds an unlimited number of men. NO LINE. That is valuable sitting time that I am conserving for the game itself. Also, there's nothing like a crowd of men standing around, holding their junk, chanting out LET'S GO CUBBIES!

Thankfully I've never seen an incident like below. I shudder at the idea..

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