
Movie Drought

It's been a pretty big drought for moviewatching for me lately. I was stuck with the "do I really want to watch this? maybe next week," trifecta. Inside Man, Moog, and Inconvenient Truth.

I've heard Inside Man was good, but just couldn't work my way up to watching it. So I turned it in for my family to rent Night at the Museum. I was sick in bed so didn't see it.

Moog is a documentary on the guy who made the original synthesizer. It was neat but not something you really sit down with a few beers in front of. Took a while to mail that one back..

Inconvenient Truth I just couldn't bring myself to watch. I was so angry with Michael Moore after Bowling for Columbine with his selective use of facts and creating outright fictions that I couldn't take another *potentially* politically tainted agenda. Traded that one in for Science of Sleep, which is sitting next to the TV now.

I did see Spider-Man 3.. The trailer was a lot cooler than this movie. I'd have to say it's the most comic-booky of the three. No real plot line but all kinds of classic Marvel coincidences, conveniences, and soap opera mentalities. They should have just planned for a Spider-Man 4, given him the black suit this movie in a less Deus Ex kinda way, and had him be a dick until the next movie. Also, some of the characterizations seemed dumb. In House of M Spidey so couldn't deal with being adored by the public that he sabotaged his own dream life and faked his own death to get away from his self destructive streak. It just didn't feel like he would have gone to that Spider-Man parade and put all those people in danger. Did it help that there were zero creative uses of powers? No. Also, CGI has stopped impressing me when it feels like I could be playing a video game at home and have the same feeling. Blah.

I did see the trailer for Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and it was the best trailer I've seen since the Spider-Man 3 trailer. It's prompted me to at least rent the second movie - it'll be in my mailbox today. I can only hope they don't pull any BS editing like they did with Matrix 2. If I had a wishlist of people I could perform horrible acts of retribution upon, the editor of that movie would have a prominent position. Nobody needs a 10 minute sequence of a hippie rave and Keanu Reeves and another dude having sex.

Also, Idiocracy is on the way and I've got Little Miss Sunshine next to my TV. I don't expect much from Idiocracy, but it feels like one I would normally see.

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